Sunday, September 26, 2004

Already Screwed Up

It's my first post and I've already screwed up, this does not bode well for my blogging future. I clicked on the wrong button and apparently chose a background template. Ah well, supposedly I can easily change it.

I guess now I'll find out if I really have anything to say . . . well, anything interesting that is. What a lovely self-indulgent exercise it is to click a few buttons and have your words sent out into cyberspace for anyone to review and comment on. It's really rather fun, like therapy without the pricetag.

I am such a pathetic geek, I watched LOTR:ROTK again today for the, I don't know, 10th time. I can't help it, I was housesitting for a friend with an absolutely ridiculous home theatre setup (96" screen with Sony projector and full surround setup) and I just have to take that opportunity when I have it.

It's really sad when the reason you want a bigger home is so that you can have a better home theatre setup. I have a 50" TV, which I really love, but a 96" screen just puts it to shame. Poor pitiful me, huh, having to "make due" with my 50" TV - that's called geek tech envy boys and girls. Though if I was a true geek, I would have my own server for this blog rather than squatting @ BlogSpot.

Happy Sunday Night y'all.


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