Monday, September 27, 2004

Cupcake or Biscuit?

I am a proud spinster, happy I've not yet been married but open enough to consider that it might happen someday should I meet someone I don't want to bludgeon after a few dates. I thoroughly enjoy admiring younger men, especially in a place where so many of them jog or bike shirtless :)

While conversing with one of my favorite younger men today, I called a 19 year old former colleague of his a "cupcake." I told him he had passed out of the cupcake stage when he hit 25, he thanked me. Now, sexual harassment issues aside (which didn't even occur to me until after I had said it, D-oh!), what would I call a guy over 25 but younger than me? I decided on "biscuit."

Here's my reasoning.

A cupcake is sweet and fulfilling all on it's own. It has frosting and you can normally eat a few of them before you're really tired of them and need to have something with a little more nutritional value. It's just a meal all by itself and you can appreciate the sweetness of it but you know you can't eat too many or you'll feel sick.

A biscuit can come in any number of fine flavors and you can put butter and/or jam on it or not, it's your choice (personally, I like mine with a little butter and strawberry jam, yummy!). Biscuits can be good for you and they definitely have more nutritional value than a cupcake. You can decide to add the jam or not so there's an opportunity to add sugar if you want/need it but it's not necessarily required.

So what's my point? Well, it's this - cupcake or biscuit, it's all about the sugar.


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