Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Bono Vox

I've just spent an evening with Bono and am still flush with the afterglow of a most amazing experience. You know, that man does the most impressive things with his mouth. Whether singing with the boys or speaking on debt, AIDS, and trade in Africa, his mouth is working hard in all the right ways.

I've seen him in concert with U2 many times and always come away satisfied but tonight he was inspiring in an entirely different manner. He's not some dumb rock star who likes to hear himself talk. I mean, in all honestly, he might like to hear himself talk but sometimes I like to hear myself talk too (thus this blog) so I'll cut him some slack on that one.

So, he's not some dumb rock star, he knows his shit and he speaks intelligently in a way that tells you he's done his homework and he's actually thought about what he's saying. And he's funny and sweet and silly and completely endearing. As much as I absolutely loved him before, I love him that much more now.

Happily, he reminded us all that the next time he saw us he'd have a band behind him. Oh yeah, that's gonna be good. I can't wait!!


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