Saturday, October 09, 2004

Men of LOTR

Fortunately for me, a theatre near my house is showing the full trilogy over 3 weekends. Tonight was Two Towers, next week ROTK. I ask you ladies, is there any better fantasy heroic man than Aragorn? And could anyone be more perfect for the part than Viggo Mortensen? I answer, No and No. Now I'm no princess type but someone like Aragorn would definitely make you feel like an Elf Princess.

Granted, Viggo would be at the top of the menu but then Orlando Bloom (Legolas), Karl Urban (Eomer), David Wenham(Faramir), and Craig Parker (Haldir) are a complete buffet of masculinity and would each be a fantastic meal all by themselves. As you can tell, I'm still a little giddy from all that testosterone on screen for 3 hours.



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