Monday, September 27, 2004

Sex and the City

I've been rewatching the series from the beginning and I'm again being reminded of what a truly exceptional show it was. I knew that when I watched it the first time but I'm enjoying it even more in the rewatching of it. It's like a very comfortable meeting of old friends where you pick up exactly where you left off with no strange readjustment period.

Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte represent such a diverse section of personalities that everyone can kind of find someone to identify with. Of course, lots of us would love to be Samantha, but few actually are. In many ways, Samantha is an icon of female sexuality. She's comfortable with herself, she doesn't apologize for her sexual appetites or experiences, and she's remarkably uninhibited. Her freedom and her confidence inspire me to be more comfortable in my own sexuality (though I have a lot of therapy left before I'm really there).

And there's Mr. Big *swoon*. Chris Noth is just the most delicious dish, I could eat him with hot fudge, whipped cream, nuts and a cherry on top (and I don't really even like cherries). Now, Big is a total bastard, though he redeems himself in the end (he had to or the fans would have rioted in the streets of New York). What is it about those total bastard guys that is so irresistible that we are the proverbial moth to the flame? It's the sex, baby.

You always have hot sex with those bastard guys. They aren't into the prim and proper very clean and sweet sex. No. These are the guys you have nasty, "I can't believe I just did that but ohmigod it was fucking amazing!" kind of sex. They go right through you and you feel like you've been drugged or something. And, in actuality, you *have* been drugged (I'll not get into the whole endorphin cocktail rush of pseudo-opiates that the human body floods the system with during such activities but suffice it to say, it would have an outrageous street price). That high is addicting and we completely lose our ability to see logic and reason until one day we find ourselves watching the phone, praying for him to call. And if you're lucky, this is when your very good girlfriends intervene and get your sorry ass out of the house.

So again I say "BRAVO" Sex and the City for delivering an open and honest dialogue about sex, love, and everything in between. Thank the Goddess for DVD . . .


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