Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I have the most ridiculous crush on this guy at work. He's attractive, sexy as hell, older than me (like, by at least 10 years I think), married and an absolutely shameless flirt. He's a total Peter Pan with an abundance of boyish charm that he, fortunately, points in my direction every time we see each other.

The sexiest thing about him is that there's a certain naughtiness that comes across during our interactions. It's not overt, though someone might pick it up if they were watching us and were astute enough to catch it. It's a certain kind of feeling you get about a guy that tells you he's probably really good in bed. The kind of thing that inspires fantasies of making out with him for hours. A man who understands that sex goes far beyond "insert tab A into slotB . . . repeat."

So, what do I do with this guy? Well, I shamelessly flirt right back. It's doing wonders for my ego and thankfully I don't see him all the time because it could be trouble if I did. Not that I haven't played with married men before but they were just about sex and didn't really mean anything. I like this guy and we work closely enough that it would be a bad idea to get involved beyond our little tete-a-tete's. He sure is great fantasy fodder though . . .


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