Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Sad Pathetic Truth

Dick Cheney sounds more Presidential than Dubya. He just does. He speaks in a more authoritative way and sounds a hell of a lot smarter. However, that does not take away from the fact that every time I see him speak, I expect his head to spin around while he projectile vomits green goo and speaks in tongues. I can't help it, the man just reminds me of a demon-possessed nutcase spewing nonsense.

I love that Edwards continued to blast him with the BS this administration has been putting out there regarding the reason for going to war in Iraq, the "progress' in Iraq and Afghanistan, the inferred connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda, our "success" against Al Qaeda, and so on, and so on. Good him for bringing that stuff up, someone had to call Cheney on it.

I'll find it interesting to see what is said about this debate. I think John Edwards distinguished himself beyond his pretty-boy sweet Southern image tonight. He showed that he's smart and he can go toe-to-toe with Cheney and (IMHO) spank the hell out of him. I liked it. Go John.


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