Saturday, October 30, 2004

Waldo Speaks

So Osama bin Laden just couldn't help himself, he had to say something about the upcoming election. I know how he feels, I usually can't help myself either when it comes to the forthcoming fiasco of next Tuesday.

After viewing the video, President Bush was quoted as saying, "Americans will not be intimidated" by bin Laden. Can't you just envision the petulant child stomping his foot and saying (with full-on pouty lip), "that's OUR job, darnit!"

I think he's jealous that bin Laden is stealing his thunder. Here BushCo has been working for years at intimidating Americans and now bin Laden comes along right before the election and tries to do a better job of it. That's got to be terribly frustrating.

Poor Dubya, it's really hard being President.


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