Sunday, December 12, 2004

Jesusland Strikes Again!

So I actually have a fair amount of family that resides in the middle of the country - also known as Jesusland. Granted most of them were born and raised and are still there. Most have never been outside of their own state and almost all have never been outside of the U.S.

They read their local paper and watch Fox News. At least one of them has a gun arsenal that could probably outfit the Army. They talk about God, church, and the Bible . . . a lot. They use curse words like, "darnnit," "holy crud," "jeepers," and "flippin'." All of them voted for Bush.

However, a few of them were raised in California for 10 - 14 years before they were forced into intellectual slavery. They even moved back to California several years later. But one of them actually moved back to Jesusland after that and has now been assimilated by the Midwest (a.k.a. The Borg).

My mother informed me today that my cousin has become a devout Lutheran and now believes that everyone is going to hell unless they accept Jesus Christ as the son of God.

Holy Mary, mother of you-know-who. Dude, what the fuck?

He clearly fought bravely for many years but in the end, the Midwest was able to get their claws into him and he lost the battle. Maybe someday he can break free and escape the mental prison he's been thrown into. I'd like to be more positive about this but I really don't have much hope. Once the Midwest gets ahold of you, it's hard to recover.


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