Sunday, December 26, 2004

So This is the Day After Christmas

A truly decadent day, I must say. I watched ROTK: EE with the Cast Commentary, which took up half the day. Of course I've seen the "real" extended edition, I watched it the day after I got the DVD in the mail. I've watched all of the special features on disc 4 but haven't watched any of disc 3 yet. I cried like a baby watching the special features (so pathetic really).

I watched Shrek 2 after ROTK. Hadn't seen it yet. Liked it a lot. I really loved Puss in Boots, too funny. And Jennifer Saunders (of the most excellent AbFab) was perfect as the twisted Fairy Godmother. In some ways, it really was better than the first movie.

Next I'm going to watch Dodgeball. I've received many endorsements for this movie, everyone says it's really funny. Given the people I've heard this from, I'm expecting good things.

My goal for today is to do absolutely nothing productive. So far, I'm succeeding admirably.


At 3:05 PM, Blogger Laziest Girl said...

It was odd though reading the reviews of Shrek 2. Everyone raved over Puss (in boots) but I thought the Fairy Godmother was much better - I loved the bit when she talks to the King in her magic carriage - the two big minders and then the drive though - it totally cracked me up.


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