Monday, January 10, 2005

Are You Sure We're Related?

I found out something truly horrific the other day. A member of my immediate family (who shall remain nameless) actually sent a CHRISTMAS CARD to President Bush and the First Lady*.

Just sit with that for a moment. Mull it over like a big swig of Thunderbird or Mad Dog 20/20.

Holy-Jesus-Fucking-Christ-on-a-Cracker! What do you say to that? "Who the hell are you? How can we possibly be related? Have you had a recent head injury?"

I don't really know what else to say, that kind of covers it. Now I'm just trying to determine how to interact with this person as if I'd never heard it because I think it would be best if I just pretend it didn't happen. It would be better for both of us if I could do that.

*you know her, the woman who stands quietly and demurely at her husband's side, just like she's been trained to, looking at him adoringly and never really having her own opinion about anything.


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