Thursday, January 06, 2005

I Left My Heart in San Francisco

I miss San Francisco. It's not that I don't love where I live now, the Northwest is actually really beautiful and has some truly great bonuses that I thoroughly appreciate. But I still miss San Francisco.

I think what I miss most is the people. My friends of course, I miss them daily. But in general, there are a lot of techno-geek types in the Bay Area. When you say to someone, "guess what I bought myself for Christmas! The Star Wars trilogy on DVD and an iPod!" they get it. They don't look at you with a blank stare like they have no idea what an iPod is and don't understand why you're so excited about some old movies they saw as kids.

Granted, there are a few I know who appreciate such things. It's not like the Northwest is devoid of technologically savvy individuals, I just don't work with many of them and since I'm so new here, I don't know many of them yet either. I'm so starved for intellectual intercourse that I find myself feeling very disconnected.

Of course I just spent several days in San Francisco with my favorite people over the New Year. It was so wonderful, I didn't want to leave. Not to mention the scenery was as lovely as ever. And I'm not talking about the coast, though it was beautiful as well.

Maybe I just need to get out and find ways to meet new people. I'm actually kind of shy about meeting new people. This would surprise my friends I'm sure but initially, I'm kind of cautious when meeting someone new.

OK, I'm going to stop whining now. I just need to get the hell out of my house and meet some damn people. I'm fun dammit, who wouldn't want to hang out with me! [she says as she tosses her mane] That's pure Leo for you . . .


At 8:45 PM, Blogger NorthwestBabe said...

Apparently you're in a state of arousal quite often. Alas, I am just another in the long line of fluffers.


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