Monday, February 07, 2005

Blame Canada

I just can't help being tickled by this snippet of Ann "Rabid-Chihuahua" Coulter getting her "facts" corrected for her. Jesus H. Christ woman, would you please EAT A FUCKING SANDWICH OR SOMETHING! Your Skeletor face is scaring the children - not to mention the garbage that comes out of your mouth. Maybe if she ate more often she wouldn't be so cranky. Or maybe she needs to get laid. Damn, there has to be some poor fool willing to bone her for the good of the rest of us. Get on it would you? I can't listen to her high-pitched yipping for much longer.

And this piece of Bill "I-can-yell-louder-than-you-so-therefore-I-am-right- and-besides-it's-my-show-anyway-so-there" O'Reilly just making it up as he goes along. Silly, silly peasants. Who needs facts when you can just make up the truth you want. Wasn't that an X-Files episode? Or maybe a whole season?

Wow, I'm a bit brutal today. Maybe *I* need to eat something or get laid. Well, definitely the later, always that. Where's that hookah?!


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