Monday, January 31, 2005

Dik-Dik Jokes

Bob Harris is just brilliant. Check out this excellent commentary.

But when a dik-dik isn't grooming their fur, shining their trotters, or simply practicing their butt-wiggle (which often gets them surprisingly far in life), you can usually find them plunked down at the nearest body of water, simply gazing emptily at their own reflection so intently they might not even notice you said hello.

They want to be liked is all, and if they notice you enough to like you, they sometimes make pretty good friends, even. It's just that they don't tend to think very deeply about things, and there's a fair chance they'll never have to.

And that's the rub isn't it - the complete annoyance that they'll never have to think very deeply because there will always be 5,000 people more than willing to do the thinking for them.

Then again, I think I'd rather slit my wrists than be that utterly useless.


At 11:38 PM, Blogger NorthwestBabe said...

If you wave something shiny, you can bring a whole herd of them to a dead stop.


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