Saturday, January 15, 2005

Ice Storm

For those of you playing the home game, it's freezing here in areas of the Northwest. Not freezing as in a bit chilly outside, no that doesn't remotely cover it. I'm talking holding on for dear life as you go down the stairs because everything is covered in an inch of ice, driving 5 miles per hour so you don't slide off the road, ice skating down the sidewalk so you don't fall on your ass freezing. The rain is ice before it even hits the ground.

I am moderately unprepared for this weather having moved from the lovely state immediately to the south that is known for sun and beaches. I have no chains for my tires and I'm using a coat that, though full length, really isn't an icy weather kind of garment. It's serviceable and a lot better than nothing but it's not wool or some other NASA-invented fiber that's superthin but will keep you warm in -30 temperatures.

As per usual, it takes an extreme circumstance for me to learn my lesson. I need to buy chains and carry them during the winter - even if I never go to the snow. I need to purchase some decent outerwear so that I don't freeze my adorable ass off. I need a new pair of gloves because mine are at least 7 years old and are ripped in multiple places.

Thankfully I've had my TiVo to keep me entertained and my heater to keep me warm. That's a hell of a lot more than I'm sure many of the homeless in this town have had today. It's supposed to start warming up around midnight (which I find odd) and be in the 40's tomorrow. Not warm but warm enough to start melting that ice on the roads. I'll take it!


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