Friday, January 14, 2005

Brilliant Humor

If you are not acquainted with Cintra Wilson you have been deprived of one of the greater pleasures in life. Reading her work is like fine wine for the brain and I never get tired of her. Please allow me to provide you with a short introduction.

I became a Cintra fan back in 1995 or so when a friend turned me on to her column at Salon. After that I was completely hooked. I couldn't wait for her new column each week and became thoroughly depressed when she seemed to stop posting. I found out later that she had written a book: A Massive Swelling: Celebrity Re-examined as a Grotesque, Crippling Disease and Other Cultural Revelations. It remains one of my very favorite books to this day (I can't believe I forgot to add it to my Favorites list, I'll have to fix that).

Kudos to my precious Queen of All at Furor Loquendi for reminding me of this fantastic column Cintra did about the Brad and Jennifer wedding. I believe you can still find archives of Cintra's older work as well if you're interested. Enjoy!

Update: A Massive Swelling WAS listed on my Favorites list but wasn't showing up in my profile. Ha! I knew I wouldn't forget Cintra


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