Sunday, February 06, 2005

Won't You Be My Hookah?

Fortunately for me, my parents (all of them) have provided some of the most amusing moments of my life. I have laughed at things they have said or done more than almost anyone else - well, except for maybe Jon Stewart (he is my current hero).

So, picture this . . . I'm in a shop with my Mom and we're just looking around. This place has the most beautiful things from Italy, France, and elsewhere in Europe; really beautiful home furnishings. Also really expensive. So we're looking at the sale table and sitting smack in the middle, rising above everything else like some prop from Alice in Wonderland, is this truly beautiful hookah. It's really a piece of art with green glass and gold etchings.

So I'm thinking maybe I need to buy it when my Mom exclaims, "That's beautiful! What is it?!" I tell her it's a hookah. "A what?" A hookah. "Maybe I should buy it for the condo. It would look good in there don't you think?" Yes, I think it would be lovely!


I happen to own a condo in the same building. Mom's condo is a vacation spot for them so it's empty most of the time. I caretake. :-)


"What is this long tube sticking out of it? What do you do with it?" Well, Mom, I think stepdad would probably know (stepdad is a *true* child of the sixties). "Ooohhh, I think I know what it is. I think I'm going to buy it, it's 60% off."

So Mom buys the hookah. Which is really convenient for me because I didn't have to put the money out but I still get to "enjoy" it, so to speak. I did kind of explain to her how it works and all, it was pretty funny. There were a few looks of, "why do you know so much about this" but I just ignored them.

In the end, she finds it pretty amusing as well and giggles as if she's done something slightly naughty. I told her she was close to the last person I ever expected would buy a hookah. She really loves it though, thinks it's this great decorator item that makes the place look more exotic. Well, that's certainly one way to look at it.


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