Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith OR Anakin Skywalker is a Big Whiney Baby

OR Hayden Christensen S-U-U-U-C-K-S

Yeah, it took another George Lucas "epic" to get me back to my blog. I have a life . . . bite me.

Maybe I'm being too hard on Hayden, I've heard he was good in some other movie he did (no, I don't know which one it was and it's not important enough for me to even bother going over to imdb to look it up) but damn he was such a petulant child, it was fuckin' annoying. Come to think of it, Natalie Portman seemed kind of cheesy and trite as well and I've actually enjoyed her in other movies she's done (Garden State for example).

Maybe the real problem is that I'm not placing the blame in the right place. Maybe Hayden did the best he could under the circumstances. Maybe the REAL stinker is George Lucas! Yeah! I think that's it, George Lucas B-L-O-W-S. I think George blew his wad on Episodes IV - VI and it's really been a downhill slide from there.

Or maybe Hayden is so bad he just brings everyone around him into his stinking pit of despair and they all end up looking lame.

Damn, I'm harsh today. I think it's because of work. I hate it when servers crash and the IT department says, "Oh, no, we weren't backing that server up. You mean you had something on there we needed to back up?" WTF?! What, exactly, are we paying you shitty asses for anyway? Christ on a fucking crutch! Ah, well. I can't change it so I need to just have another drink and get over it.

So, back to Hayden and his abysmal acting . . .

Overall, I was entertained by Episode III - the effects were cool (as usual) and some of the light-saber battles were pretty good - I just love Ewan McGregor, what he did to Anakin on that lava planet was brutal - but there were a lot of things that were a bit too, I don't know, stupid. Below is my quick list of things George should have paid a bit more attention to.

  1. Life on Tatooine must be pretty rough because our dear Obi-Wan aged about 35 years in the 20 years between when he dropped baby Luke off in Episode III and when adult Luke went looking for him in Episode IV.
  2. The same goes for Luke's aunt and uncle - they look about 20 themselves in Episode III and 55 or 60 in Episode IV.
  3. The Jedi can sense someone's presence on a planet from space but they can't sense that the clones standing next to them are about to shoot them in the back? Only Yoda managed to figure that one out in time.
  4. Continuity! Anakin's hand was very much present in one of the scenes where he's pulling his hood up. I think it was on the lava planet when he's walking from the landing site into the building.
That's all I can think of right this second because I'm too drunk to remember anything else that bugged me. Of course I'll have to go see it again because I spent so much time trying to pay attention to the story that I probably missed some of the cool effects. That means I'll have to sit through Hayden's whining AGAIN but I guess it's worth it. I'll go to a matinee so I don't feel so bent over.

And another thing! Actually, I forgot what I was going to write. I think it was about Star Wars but that's not a guarantee. I need another goddamn drink!

P.S. Due to technical difficulties, this is being posted way late. Love computers.