Saturday, August 26, 2006

Vacation Planning Rocks

So, I’ve been off having a life since my last installment. I’ve been planning my 3 week trip to Australia and New Zealand like a crazed woman on a mission. Funny that when I started looking at exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go I felt like I “had to” book flights, hotels, hostels, etc. right then, right that very second. I of course did a lot of research and found some great places to go. It’s coming up next month and I honestly can’t wait to go!! I’ll be sure to review everything when I return – not like anyone reads this but it will be a nice reminder for me once the trip is over.

I knew Australia was a big place but you really realize it when you start looking at domestic flight times. It really brings home just how large the place is. Flying across Australia is at least as long a flight as flying across the U.S. I’m not sure people really get that. Maybe because the U.S. is part of a larger continent it looks bigger. Or maybe it’s the size of our collective egos – we just *think* our country is bigger than everyone else’s. I think that’s probably it….

And speaking of our collective egos I will be doing my best to blend while I’m in Australia. It never really works mind you, there’s something about our demeanor and presence that screams, “HI, I’M FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! WHAT A NICE LITTLE COUNTRY YOU HAVE HERE.” Well, that and I’ll have a huge backpack on my back which is kind of a tip-off that I’m a tourist. I tend to just try not to be too annoying and sort of tone down my “Americanness” if you will.

I already blew it, kind of. I sent an email to this place I wanted to stay in to make a reservation. Of course, I don’t want to stay in a crappy room so I’m trying to figure out a way to say, “I’d like a nice room” without sounding annoyingly pretentious (aka American). At this age in my life, the days of bunking with 5 or 6 other people are over. In fact, bunking with one other person is questionable depending on the person. There are very few people I want to share a room with anymore, it’s just not worth the hassle.

So, I was talking about how I was trying to request a nice room without sounding like an annoying American. Well, I failed miserably of course and now I just know when I get there they’ll be laughing about it. That’s OK, I guess that does make me kind of pretentious but I can live with it. There are a few things that I simply want a certain way and you never know what you’re going to get sometimes so asking for what you want means you might actually get it. If that makes me pretentious then so be it, I can think of worse things.

This trip has created a multitude of shopping imperatives – new backpack, new shoes, new bathing suit (what a traumatic experience that was), new sun hat, etc. So far I love my new purchases and will get some good use out of them. Plus I just bought a new bra today. I love buying a new bra. Men may not have an equivalent experience but a new bra is one of my favorite things. I’m pretty well-endowed in the chestal region so finding a bra that fits me is always a challenge. Luckily I’ve found a place where I live that specializes in bras for ladies with my predicament. They have pretty bras that are very supportive, which is nice because usually they are butt-ugly. I’ve never understood this. Why is it necessary for large cup size bras to be so ugly? Do the manufacturers think that because a woman has large breasts she doesn’t care if her bra is pretty or not? Do they not think we like pretty lingerie? So stupid. We have money and we would be very willing to spend it if they gave us something lovely to spend it on.

But I digress…

So, I’m getting ready for my trip and I’m so excited!! I can’t wait to be on a beach, in a hammock outside my private bungalow enjoying the natural beauty surrounding me. I am so blessed, so incredibly fortunate that I am able to go on this trip. I love seeing the world and Australia has been on my list for at least 15 years. The idea that it’s less than a month away is really damn cool.



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