Thursday, September 29, 2005

What is it about Thursday?

You know it's strange. The MG and I always seem to have pivotal moments on Thursday. Had sex for the first and second time on consecutive Thursday's. Then today no sex (it's THAT week and he's got some cold or flu thing that I definitely don't want) but an otherwise excellent day for communication between us. Strange that.

I'm still struggling with myself when it comes to wanting the MG. I so enjoy our banter at work and it all just continues to strengthen my desire for him. Sometimes I feel like I'll explode if I don't touch him. I keep reminding myself that I need to remain open to allow it to work out in the way it's intended rather than simply the way I want it to. It's not an easy thing to do and I'm not sure if I can actually keep from putting my own subjective desires out there. Ultimately, I know in my soul that it will unfold in the way that is best for everyone involved. This certainly doesn't mean it will be painless. In fact, pain is pretty much guaranteed at this point.

Whew!! That was serious. No doubt this is all going to get very, very messy. I know it's coming.

So the bank robber is gone. He found out he wasn't the only one in my life and even though I had "the talk" with him the previous week about maintaining the boundaries of the "no strings attached" arrangement we had originally entered into, it bothered him enough to decide it best to opt out. Which is fine really though will miss many things about him. There is even more drama in his life right now than there is in mine so it really is for the best. It's just hard to let such great sex walk out the door. Fortunately, the memory remains.....


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