Friday, June 17, 2005

Random Act of Annoyance

So I get my credit card statement and realize that my interest rate has gone up 5% in the last year. This perplexes me because I've been a very good monkey and paid all my bills on time. So I call my credit card company to inquire about said increase and they inform me that they don't know exactly why MY interest rate has gone up but someone from some department can send me documentation of why it went up.

Oh, and by the way, is there anything they can do for me today? Um, yeah, lower my interest rate!! Shockingly they comply and kick me back 3 of the 5%.

So I get "the document" and here's what it says:

This increase was based on our decision to increase the revenue on your account. The change in your annual percentage rate was not based on individual characteristics or account performance.

So basically, they just decided, "hey, we could use some more money, why don't we kick up the interest rate for that chick in Oregon. I'm sure she won't mind funding my boat purchase or my trip to Bali."


Is that where we're at? They can just decide, "hey, it's Tuesday, let's increase interest rates for all of our cardholders." I was stunned, saddened, and disturbed by this. Maybe I'm woefully out of touch but that's never happened to me before - a credit card company just deciding to "increase the revenue" on my account despite my excellent history with them. Maybe this means I should cancel the card. If I had the money to pay it off I would. Maybe I should juggle some funds and pay it off anyway and cancel it because this is total crap!

Dammit, I had a good day too. I found a fat chunk of money they thought they had lost at work and I found out I'm getting a nice raise this year. Well, I won't let my stupid credit card company ruin my good day. I'm going to have a beer and a smoke dammit and enjoy my evening! So there!


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