Sunday, March 27, 2005

Bill Maher Kicks Ass Dude!

Dammit! You have GOT to love a guy who sits down after his 2 hour set and discusses (after a question from the audience) the 3 generations of vaporizers he has owned and how he now owns a Volcano vaporizer that he absolutely loves.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about . . . vaporizers (in the way I'm mentioning here) allow you to inhale pure THC without the nasty smoke toxins. I can honestly say I have never in my life been as high as the time I smoked off a vaporizer. It was unreal! Quite an experience.

So anyway, I saw Bill Maher last night. He was taping an HBO special and his upcoming comedy DVD. I was really looking forward to this because I don't have HBO anymore so I don't get to see Real Time with Bill Maher. As usual, Bill was brilliant and funny as hell. I miss him, I may have to get HBO back.

On a completely different note, it has been raining for days. I mean like 40 days and nights, doesn't that look like Noah and the Ark floating down the river kind of raining. It's completely crazy. On the one hand, I'm actually very happy about the rain but on the other it's like, "OK, OK, I get it! Enough already!"

You know, I think I had more to say but I can't seem to remember what it is right now. Clearly, not that damn important.


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