Sunday, March 13, 2005

Perfect Day

For those of you living outside the Northwest, let me just brag annoyingly about the spectacular weather we're having. Today I spent a good part of my early afternoon reading, writing, and generally lounging in the sun at one of the most incredible places in all of Portland.

This mansion is at the top of a very large hill and its grounds have the most amazing 180 degree view of downtown Portland, the Willamette, and beyond. There is a large lawn area with beautifully flowering shade trees and it is open to the public. I took lunch, a book, my journal and my iPod. A couple of friends met me there and we sunned for a few hours. It was glorious.

My father keeps saying we're going to pay for this nice weather over the summer and I'm sure he's right. But I say live in the moment, enjoy it, revel in it. Deal with the future when it gets here. Besides, that might give me something to bitch about over the summer. Joy!


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