Saturday, March 12, 2005

There's Vertigo in My Future

BEHOLD!! I have acquired multiple tickets to the U2 Vertigo Tour passing through my fair city in December of this year. Several of them are not really good seats but that becomes kind of relative once it sells out. I did manage to find 1 golden ticket in (clouds part, golden light filters down from the heavens, angels sing) the 11th row of the first section of seating. I paid $180 for the privilege but hey, it's U2 people. You just hand over the money, say "thank you" and walk away - or close the browser, whatever.

Now the waiting begins. The anticipation. The expectation. The visualization. It's kind of like waiting 9 months to have sex with someone. That's a lot of foreplay, it better be good.

Of course I have no doubt they can deliver the goods. I've been witness to their mastery multiple times. No one makes love to an audience the way Bono does. That voice, that look in his eye, it's all there and you feel the music go through your body. It's incredible and I've never walked away disappointed. I wish I could say that about all the guys I've had sex with.

I guess there is a little bit of that schoolgirl left in me after all.


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