Sunday, March 06, 2005

Blonde Ambition

Wow, I haven't written anything in nearly a month. It's not that I haven't had anything to say, because I've been journaling. I think it's that what I've wanted to say has been almost too personal to even share with the anonymity of cyberspace. There are so many things happening in my life and I feel like I need to keep it to myself, to keep is just for me, to keep it special in some way.

I've made some big changes lately. Really good ones but they're taking me down a path I've tried to walk so many times and I've never really been successful. It's a lot of work and it's taking over my life . . . but in a good way. I'm actually really happy right now and everything is going really well. This makes for boring blogging because who wants to hear little Mary Sunshine wax poetic about how fabulous her life is? I promise, I'll find something to be snarky about soon. Until then, I think I'll talk about my hair.

There is something symbolic and cathartic about cutting your hair, especially if it's been long for a while. Women know this. Some men know it as well. I think there is a sort of power in hair, though I don't think that means you lose it when you cut it off. Quite the opposite, I think it can be liberating and rejuvenating. I know it has been for me.

I find it interesting that I had the urge to cut my hair just as I began all the changes I mentioned above. I suppose I could be reading something into nothing but I am someone who believes in the idea that such "coincidences" really aren't coincidental. Fortunately for me, I feel as though the Universe is conspiring to assist me in my endeavors, which I thoroughly appreciate.

Now I'm sure there are those who would say, "you're nuts! You're reading all that into an urge to cut your hair?" Well, not really. It's more than that but the hair thing is kind of symbolic and since it's my reality I've living in, I choose to believe it. It's working for me so I'm kind of going with it. As I said, I'm really happy right now so I must be doing something right. Here's to my adventure, I can't wait to see what happens.


At 3:45 PM, Blogger Laziest Girl said...

I totally agree and you are definitely not the only one to find it cathartic. Last time I had my cut short the first thing the hairdresser said to me was "Ahhh, have you just broken up with your fella?".

At 12:54 AM, Blogger NorthwestBabe said...

Tic honey, you are clearly getting laid enough for both of us. I enter the following into evidence:

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

You are a walking definition of the term "skirt chaser." Not that there's anything wrong with that, we voted one President (I'll let you guess which one), but I'm just enjoying the show, in awe of your batting average.


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