Thursday, March 17, 2005

A Very Green Day

Yeah, I went out tonight. It's St. Patrick's Day and here in Portland that's another excuse for a celebration. Block off the street, throw up a tent, sign a few bands, serve a lot of alcohol and you've got yerself a par-tay! I have to thank my biscuit from IT for dragging my lazy ass out tonight too. I would have languished in front of the TiVo had he not enticed me with promises of music and drink. And don't you know, he came through on both counts!

Of course, now I am doomed to pay the price when my alarm goes off at 5:00am tomorrow morning. What the hell is wrong with me that I get up at that unholy hour of the morning? I have no reasonable explanation other than a new respect for my health. It's something that happens when you hit the 30's I guess. You start actually thinking about the 40's, 50's and beyond and how you want to feel when you get there.

But tonight was a joyous return to youth, albeit with the wisdom of the current age. Since my grammar and spelling are not too bad, I must not be *that* drunk. Don't you love public transportation? Drinking and no driving . . . no problem!

I'm off to bed. Hope you all had as nice an evening as I did - and I suspect a few of you had an even nicer evening that I'll read about tomorrow or next week sometime.



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