Thursday, June 02, 2005

On Technology

You know what I find both amusing and ironic? We have all this incredible technology at work, at home, etc that is supposed to make us more efficient, which I think it generally does. However, many IT departments now dissallow certain types of files to come through the firewall because they are often used to transmit computer viruses. Unfortunately, many of these types of files are used regularly as part of our jobs. So now, instead of being able to email files, you are forced to go low-tech. Omigod, can you believe I had to actually request a vendor send me an actual CD because my company won't allow me to download it from their website? Or that I can't send or receive ZIP files so I have to either burn the file onto a CD if it's too big to transmit or I have to send a five different email in order to send the five files I need to actually send.

It's so funny because one of the main funcations of a computer is to store documents in a more efficient and permanent manner than just paper. But now, as a result of computer viruses, we're having to go back to paper in some instances.

Granted this is not really a huge deal or anything but it does have a bit of truth to it and it was in my head yesterday.

Did you understand all that?


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