Sunday, June 12, 2005

Everything Coal is New Again

So, have you seen the new GE ad on TV? The one they're calling 'Model Miners?' You can find a brief summary and links to watch the commercial here. I have to say, just when I think this Administration's balls can't possibly get any bigger, something like this comes out.

Everyone is so moral and Christian until they want to sell something and then it's "BRING ON THE SEX!!!" I just sat there and laughed. I couldn't help myself. I have to give them credit though, it did get my attention (hot guys with chiseled abs will do that). And then I realized they were selling coal and I started laughing at their sheer chutzpah. I'll tell ya, it takes a pair of big hairy ones to put that ad on. Of course it's a GE ad so BushCo would say they have no involvement in how GE decides to market their products.


Yet another example of what this Administration is all about. Liars and convenient Christians, all of them. It does give me some hope that approval ratings are down but I fear it's too much to hope that America is waking up from the long slumber they've been in.

I'm sorry, I still can't believe they're actually pushing COAL! Fucking COAL people! This is their solution? Jesus H.! What the hell . . . are we in the fucking twilight zone? I just don't know what to say, words fail me (sort of). I'll leave it to much more intelligent people to say something about how ridiculous it is that they're actually pushing coal as an option at all.


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