Saturday, September 10, 2005

Out of Sight

Did you ever see this movie? George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez. He's a bank robber, she's a Federal Marshall. Yes, she eventually shoots him in the end (but she doesn't kill him - hard to kill someone you've had such good sex with).

I'm no Federal Marshall but currently, my life is like an Out of Sight deja'vu. One of my surrogates has informed me that he's been in prison for bank robbery and is still on probation. He told me this morning after a night where neither of us got much sleep. And yes, it was a very good thing.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't necessarily think this means he's a "bad person," but I have questions for him. I was too stunned this morning to know what they were but now that I've had some time to think about it, I've got a few. For example:

How long ago?
Was this for one incident or several attempts?
What else has he been arrested for/convicted of?
Was there a gun involved?
Is there violence in his past?
Where is he at with this now?
Why did he do it in the first place?
Why the HELL does he have to be so goddamn GOOD IN BED???!!! Shit!!

I have apparently landed myself with an authentic "bad boy." Well done me. Every trailer park honey's wet dream. That's not fair really, he's not a bad person but he's made some colossally bad choices. I do believe he can become much more than those bad choices but it's a bit of a thing to process nonetheless.

And the MG. And the MG. And the MG! He's getting even bolder now in his email to me. I can tell he's beginning to truly entertain the idea of something actually happening between us. I can't say I'm upset about that. I definitely want it. I feel like I'm in the middle of a soap opera.


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