Saturday, July 16, 2005

Married Men

I've been with married men before. A couple I've been with more than once. In theory, they're the perfect fuck because they go away when you're finished with them. In reality, I think my conscience gives me a little trouble. I believe that a man can't be "taken" unless he wants to be so if he's into it and you don't have any misconceptions about him leaving his wife, I generally say go for it. But there's always a part of me that's slightly worried about my karma. I guess that speaks volumes.

There are a couple of married men playing virtual footsie with me under the table at the moment. One is a bit more serious than the other - of course that's the one I see every day and have to work pretty closely with. The phrase, "don't shit where you live" is not altogether inappropriate in this situation.

No lines have been crossed - lots of flirting, lots of suggestive comments, lots of sexual tension, lots of lingering eye contact and verbal sparring but no major physical contact yet. When I'm in the same room with him, I find myself aching to touch him. Of course, we're always at work so that doesn't work very well. I've forced myself to sit back and see what happens. He's expressed interest and I've let him know I feel the same way. Now I guess I'll wait and see.


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