Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Holy Shit

It's been quite an experience these last few days. I saw the bank robber again and the sex was, well, truly spectacular......again! That was last night and I managed to get him out of here by 11:00pm so I could get some sleep. I swear, he's going to break me but I won't care because he's so good. A talented man with an oral fixation is a true treasure - bank robber or not!

And then there's the MG. WOW!! Well, things have escalated rather quickly. We had a conversation yesterday in which (after several very suggestive, sexy email on both sides) I told him I was done. Done playing verbal foreplay, done going home sexually frustrated (though the bank robber is helping me with that quite nicely, which is the only thing keeping me sane right now), just done with it.

The conversation was actually a really good one and I found out some things I didn't know. Namely, he's really into me. He really cares about me beyond the whole physical thing. This was good to hear because I was wondering if I was the only one feeling it. He's pretty good at hiding his feelings (making mental note of this). He is a Scorpio after all, they're masters of it.

So we're talking about how neither of us want to hurt his wife but he's also telling me that they've had conversations about divorcing and sometimes neither of them are sure why they're together. His kids are the deal for him though. He's pretty sure he'd be fine without his wife but he's not sure how he'd be without his kids. This is the crux of his issue at the moment. That and he doesn't want to do anything to hurt his wife. Though I have news for him on that front - if he cares about me as much as he says he does, he's already cheating on her. Just because we're not yet sleeping together doesn't mean he's not cheating. In fact, I'd say the kind of cheating he's doing now is more detrimental than just having sex with someone - IMHO. He's emotionally involved with me, that's pretty serious.

So anyway, today we had a major development. After a trip to the Office Depot - for completely legitimate reasons even - he came into my office, shut the door and kissed me. I mean, he really kissed me - with passion and a sexiness and everything loving. It was quite a kiss, I was shaking afterwards and had to sit down. I admit, the car ride to the Office Depot and back to the office was kind of hot so there was certainly a bit of foreplay there that got us both hot and bothered. I really didn't think he'd do it though, break that control and actually kiss me.

My head is just spinning. Last night, with the bank robber, he said I was hotter than I'd been since we'd been having sex. No surprise, the conversation earlier in the day with the MG had me so wound up that I was just on fire. Of course, the bank robber doesn't know that and I'm certainly not going to tell him. He has enough issues.

So, now what? Well, I told the MG that he needed to make a decision about what he wanted in his life. Is the marraige something he wants to stay in? Is what he's feeling with me strong enough for him to consider leaving it? Is it just the catalyst to get him out of it? I don't know. I do know that I want to kiss him some more. A lot more actually. Yes, definitely more kissing.....


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