Sunday, September 24, 2006

Made it to OZ!!

Holy Mary, mother of you-know-who, I'm in Australia. The flight wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Granted I was in Business Class which makes all the difference. I heard they had trouble in Coach with the kitchen and getting everyone's food served. Total nightmare apparently.

Got about 5 or 6 hours of sleep which was good enough to allow me to be functional when the plane landed. The first glimpse I got of the Sydney Opera House will be in my memory forever. It was very cool to see it live and in person, right there, just like it is. I can't wait to see it up close.

I'm on my way to Ayers Rock tomorrow morning but will be back in Sydney in a few days. I'll definitely hit the opera house then and do the whole tour thing. It's supposed to be very cool inside. I was going to try and see something but nothing is really happening on the days I'll be in town. Bummer, that.

So, I'm payin' for this time so I'm about done. I'll blog more from Down Under over the next few weeks. I am in Australia! Damn!


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