Saturday, September 23, 2006

And So it Begins….

My journey to Australia is finally here. I almost can’t believe it. I’ve been planning it in my head for nearly 20 years. And the wonderful thing about the internet is that I was able to plan all of it myself online. I think that’s really damn cool – be your own travel agent, no fee involved.

I will be seeing the Outback and I will be seeing the beach. I will be staying on a secluded island in a private bungalow with a front door on the sand. I will be taking one of the most beautiful ferry rides in the world between the North and South islands of New Zealand. I will be spending a fair bit of time on trains – a wonderful way to see any country.

It’s just amazing. My flight leaves in 5 ½ hours. I’m going to Australia. I’M GOING TO AUSTRALIA!! How cool is that…..


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