Sunday, March 27, 2005

Bill Maher Kicks Ass Dude!

Dammit! You have GOT to love a guy who sits down after his 2 hour set and discusses (after a question from the audience) the 3 generations of vaporizers he has owned and how he now owns a Volcano vaporizer that he absolutely loves.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about . . . vaporizers (in the way I'm mentioning here) allow you to inhale pure THC without the nasty smoke toxins. I can honestly say I have never in my life been as high as the time I smoked off a vaporizer. It was unreal! Quite an experience.

So anyway, I saw Bill Maher last night. He was taping an HBO special and his upcoming comedy DVD. I was really looking forward to this because I don't have HBO anymore so I don't get to see Real Time with Bill Maher. As usual, Bill was brilliant and funny as hell. I miss him, I may have to get HBO back.

On a completely different note, it has been raining for days. I mean like 40 days and nights, doesn't that look like Noah and the Ark floating down the river kind of raining. It's completely crazy. On the one hand, I'm actually very happy about the rain but on the other it's like, "OK, OK, I get it! Enough already!"

You know, I think I had more to say but I can't seem to remember what it is right now. Clearly, not that damn important.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

A Very Green Day

Yeah, I went out tonight. It's St. Patrick's Day and here in Portland that's another excuse for a celebration. Block off the street, throw up a tent, sign a few bands, serve a lot of alcohol and you've got yerself a par-tay! I have to thank my biscuit from IT for dragging my lazy ass out tonight too. I would have languished in front of the TiVo had he not enticed me with promises of music and drink. And don't you know, he came through on both counts!

Of course, now I am doomed to pay the price when my alarm goes off at 5:00am tomorrow morning. What the hell is wrong with me that I get up at that unholy hour of the morning? I have no reasonable explanation other than a new respect for my health. It's something that happens when you hit the 30's I guess. You start actually thinking about the 40's, 50's and beyond and how you want to feel when you get there.

But tonight was a joyous return to youth, albeit with the wisdom of the current age. Since my grammar and spelling are not too bad, I must not be *that* drunk. Don't you love public transportation? Drinking and no driving . . . no problem!

I'm off to bed. Hope you all had as nice an evening as I did - and I suspect a few of you had an even nicer evening that I'll read about tomorrow or next week sometime.


Sunday, March 13, 2005

Perfect Day

For those of you living outside the Northwest, let me just brag annoyingly about the spectacular weather we're having. Today I spent a good part of my early afternoon reading, writing, and generally lounging in the sun at one of the most incredible places in all of Portland.

This mansion is at the top of a very large hill and its grounds have the most amazing 180 degree view of downtown Portland, the Willamette, and beyond. There is a large lawn area with beautifully flowering shade trees and it is open to the public. I took lunch, a book, my journal and my iPod. A couple of friends met me there and we sunned for a few hours. It was glorious.

My father keeps saying we're going to pay for this nice weather over the summer and I'm sure he's right. But I say live in the moment, enjoy it, revel in it. Deal with the future when it gets here. Besides, that might give me something to bitch about over the summer. Joy!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

LOTR: T2 - Scenes Restored!

This is classic. Kudos to my sista over at Furor Loquendi for getting there first.

There's Vertigo in My Future

BEHOLD!! I have acquired multiple tickets to the U2 Vertigo Tour passing through my fair city in December of this year. Several of them are not really good seats but that becomes kind of relative once it sells out. I did manage to find 1 golden ticket in (clouds part, golden light filters down from the heavens, angels sing) the 11th row of the first section of seating. I paid $180 for the privilege but hey, it's U2 people. You just hand over the money, say "thank you" and walk away - or close the browser, whatever.

Now the waiting begins. The anticipation. The expectation. The visualization. It's kind of like waiting 9 months to have sex with someone. That's a lot of foreplay, it better be good.

Of course I have no doubt they can deliver the goods. I've been witness to their mastery multiple times. No one makes love to an audience the way Bono does. That voice, that look in his eye, it's all there and you feel the music go through your body. It's incredible and I've never walked away disappointed. I wish I could say that about all the guys I've had sex with.

I guess there is a little bit of that schoolgirl left in me after all.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Fuck Me! Simon LeBon is Hot!

In that British, pretty-boy kind of way - though if you look strictly at his face, it's not really pretty per se. He's much taller than I thought with long legs and a slimmer waist than I've seen on him in several years. And he projects some powerful mojo on stage (not as much as Bono but honestly, no one works a crowd like Bono). His appeal is *all* about that sexuality. Oh, and that amazing voice! He sounded incredible, it was great!

Now, I realize I'm aging myself as I know at least one person who reads my blog that wasn't even in kindergarten when I was listening to Girls on Film, Planet Earth, Hungry Like the Wolf, Save a Prayer, and of course Rio. However, Duran Duran is part of my Jr. High and teenage years and hearing that music was really so much fun!

Though I never had the kind of all-consuming crush on any of the guys that some of my friends did, I certainly liked them. At the time it seemed like everyone liked them and I had a tendency to puposely not follow the crowd. Instead, I poured all of my teenage mushiness into Bono. It's not as if he wasn't popular as well but not Duran-Duran-Simon-LeBon-John-Taylor-Nick- Rhodes kind of popular. He was at least a little more fringe.

I'm not sure why I never went to see Duran Duran (the original "Fab Five ") when I was younger. I guess I just never got around to it. I'm really happy I had the opportunity to see them tonight. They may be a few years older but they can still kick it up. Oh, and they did one of my favorite songs, "White Lines." Love that song. Not one of theirs originally but they did a great job of it.

So I'm off to bed with visions of Simon firmly planted in my head. Ahh, it's going to be a good night . . .

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Blonde Ambition

Wow, I haven't written anything in nearly a month. It's not that I haven't had anything to say, because I've been journaling. I think it's that what I've wanted to say has been almost too personal to even share with the anonymity of cyberspace. There are so many things happening in my life and I feel like I need to keep it to myself, to keep is just for me, to keep it special in some way.

I've made some big changes lately. Really good ones but they're taking me down a path I've tried to walk so many times and I've never really been successful. It's a lot of work and it's taking over my life . . . but in a good way. I'm actually really happy right now and everything is going really well. This makes for boring blogging because who wants to hear little Mary Sunshine wax poetic about how fabulous her life is? I promise, I'll find something to be snarky about soon. Until then, I think I'll talk about my hair.

There is something symbolic and cathartic about cutting your hair, especially if it's been long for a while. Women know this. Some men know it as well. I think there is a sort of power in hair, though I don't think that means you lose it when you cut it off. Quite the opposite, I think it can be liberating and rejuvenating. I know it has been for me.

I find it interesting that I had the urge to cut my hair just as I began all the changes I mentioned above. I suppose I could be reading something into nothing but I am someone who believes in the idea that such "coincidences" really aren't coincidental. Fortunately for me, I feel as though the Universe is conspiring to assist me in my endeavors, which I thoroughly appreciate.

Now I'm sure there are those who would say, "you're nuts! You're reading all that into an urge to cut your hair?" Well, not really. It's more than that but the hair thing is kind of symbolic and since it's my reality I've living in, I choose to believe it. It's working for me so I'm kind of going with it. As I said, I'm really happy right now so I must be doing something right. Here's to my adventure, I can't wait to see what happens.